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This trigger fires when an NPC gets lost and is about to be teleported back to its HOME location. The LOSTNPCTELEPORT setting in Sphere.ini controls how far an NPC can wander from its home location before it is considered to be lost.

Fires on:


The following object references are explicitly available for this trigger:

Name Description
I The NPC who has gotten lost.
SRC The NPC who has gotten lost.


The following arguments are set for this trigger. If an argument is marked as "In" then a value will be passed in to the trigger, if an argument is marked as "Out" then it can be set to a value to affect Sphere's behaviour:

Argument In/Out Description
ARGN1 I The distance between the NPC and its home location.

Return Values

The following return values are explicitly defined for this trigger:

Return Value Description
1 Prevents the NPC from being teleported back home.