Chapter 10

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Basic String Explanation

This section will explain how to handle strings (separation, comparing, transforming, reversing, storing). Hope you enjoy it.

First, we're gonna start with the separations ways of Sphere. The most common and simple is using comma (,). Most of Sphere's functions use it as a separator and it is easier than using a space. Also, the space is a valid one but not really used at all. With this function you can see why:

[FUNCTION f_test]
SERV.LOG Arguments :: <ARGV>
SERV.LOG Arg. 1 :: <ARGV[0]>
SERV.LOG Arg. 2 :: <ARGV[1]>
SERV.LOG Arg. 3 :: <ARGV[2]>
SERV.LOG Arg. 4 :: <ARGV[3]>

If we enter ".f_test Hello to all World" in-game we should see something like this in the Sphere console:

23:01:(Test.scp,2)Arguments :: 1
23:01:(Test.scp,3)Arg. 1 :: Hello To all World
23:01:(Test.scp,4)Arg. 2 ::
23:01:(Test.scp,5)Arg. 3 ::
23:01:(Test.scp,6)Arg. 4 ::

This means that we have only 1 argument and it's our complete string. This is not too useful because later we will have to cut it using the STRARG or STREAT functions. But if we check what happens if we use commas, by typing ".f_test Hello,to,all,World":

23:02:(Test.scp,2)Arguments :: 4
23:02:(Test.scp,3)Arg. 1 :: Hello
23:02:(Test.scp,4)Arg. 2 :: To
23:02:(Test.scp,5)Arg. 3 :: All
23:02:(Test.scp,6)Arg. 4 :: World

We now have the whole string separated into arguments ready for our script. Pretty Simple, uh? Well, this is just the start.

We can do almost whatever we want with a string: Comparing, cutting, removing, moving, etc.. To see all of the valid functions check the list below. They're heavily explained.

Regular Expressions



String Functions


The EXPLODE function can be used to convert a string into a comma-delimited list based on one or more delimiters. The resultant string can then be passed into a function where you can then use ARGV to access the individual pieces.

The syntax for the command is: EXPLODE separators, string_to_separate

See the following example, which separates a string by both the "-" and "+" characters and logs the output to the Sphere console:

[FUNCTION f_explode]
F_EXPLODE_LOG <EXPLODE -+,<ARGS>> // separate string by - and +, passing result into the F_EXPLODE_LOG function

[FUNCTION f_explode_log]
SERV.LOG ARGV Length = <ARGV>           // output number of comma-separated arguments
FOR 0 <EVAL (<ARGV> - 1)>               // loop through each argument
    SERV.LOG ARGV[<LOCAL._FOR>] = <ARGV[<LOCAL._FOR>]>	// output individual arguments


STRARG can be used to extract the first word from a string. The following example demonstrates this:

[FUNCTION f_strarg]

You will see the word "One" output to the console.


STREAT is the counterpart function to STRARG. Whereas STRARG gives you the first word in a string, STREAT will 'eat' the first word from a string and return the remaining text. The following code shows the difference:

[FUNCTION f_streat]

You will see the text "Two Three" output to the console.


Sooner or later you may find the need to compare one string to another. You may start out by attempting to write the following line:

IF ("String1" == "String2)

If you tried to do that you would find an ugly looking error on the Sphere console, and your IF statement would simply not work correctly at all. This is because IF statements are designed to compare numerical values, and so cannot understand how it can compare two strings.

So you need to find out if "String1" is equal to "String2", right? Well, that's why we have STRCMP. Let's look at the basics of it.

STRCMP(string1, string2)

Now, before you start to use this you should be aware that this function does not simply compare two strings for equality. STRCMP actualls compares two strings to determine if they are less than, greater than, or equal to each other! Therefore, this function has three different return values:

Return Value Meaning
-1 string1 is less than string2
0 The two strings are equal
1 string1 is greater than string2

It's important to bear these return values in mind when using the function, as you will quickly discover, the function actually returns false (0) when the two strings are equal to each other!

Take a look at the following at the following example:

    SRC.SAY My name is Tiny!

You might be asking, "Why didn't you have to surround the function with < > there?".

Well, STRCMP is not a 'normal' function. It is known as an intrinsic function, a special kind of function that can only be used inside an <EVAL ...> statement and rather than being surrounded by < > it instead has its arguments surrounded by brackets ( ).

"Wait, but that STRCMP isn't inside an EVAL!?" you may say, but this is not actually the case. Inside conditional statements (such as IF and WHILE), Sphere automatically treats the entire line as if it were inside an EVAL function, and so the above script will work fine for comparing strings.

Another thing you should remember is that STRCMP is case-sensitive, and so "STRING1" will not be equal to "string1". If you want to perform a case-insensitive comparison, use STRCMPI instead.


The STRCMPI function can be used to compare two strings, ignoring their case. Apart from being case-insensitive this function is identical to STRCMP.


This function can be used to count the number of characters in a string. For example:


Let's say the value of ARGS is "This one has 26 characters". The value of LOCAL.LENGTH will be 26.


The STRPOS function can be used to locate the position of a particular character within some text. The syntax of the command is:

STRPOS pos ch string

Parameter Meaning
pos The position to start searching from (first character is position 0)
ch The character to search for, or the ASCII code of the character
string The text to search in

Here are a couple of examples:

LOCAL.POS = <STRPOS 0 32 Where is the first space>  // returns 5
LOCAL.POS = <STRPOS 3 e Where is the first 'e'>     // returns 4


This function simply reverses the order of a string. For example:


The above line of code will output "olleH" into the console.


STRSUB is used to extract a series of characters from a string. Why is it useful? Well I can't think of a specific reason right now, but I'm sure you'll be able to handle that.


As you can see, STRSUB takes three parameters. The first parameter is the start location (zero-based). The second parameter is the length. Finally, the third parameter is the string in question.

If you were to use that function in-game, then look at your Sphere console, you'll see that it prints the first character from the third position. One thing I need to point out is the index (first parameter) is zero-based. If you wanted to start at the first character of the string, you'll need to use zero. The second parameter simply tells Sphere how many characters we need returned, starting from the index.

Specifying a negative value for the index will tell Sphere to begin at the end of the string, and count backwards from there. Here's an example:

SERV.LOG <STRSUB -1 1 Hello>

Use the function in-game once again, then look at your Sphere console. Amazingly, it prints the last character of the string.

That isn't too difficult, is it?


This function simply converts all uppercases characters to lowercase. A simple example would be:


The function will return "strings are fun to play with".


This function performs the opposite action to STRTOLOWER. It converts all lowercase characters to uppercase. Following on from the previous example:


The function will return "STRINGS ARE FUN TO PLAY WITH".


This function be used to strip all whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) from the start and end of a string.

The following script demonstrates this:

[FUNCTION f_strtrim]
LOCAL.TEXT = "     TEST     "

When run, the following output will be seen on the Sphere console:

1.      TEST