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| [[QUALITY]] || RW || Gets or sets the quality of the item.
| [[QUALITY]] || RW || Gets or sets the quality of the item.
[[Category: Reference Compendium]]
[[Category: Reference Compendium]]
[[Category: Objects]]

Revision as of 04:05, 7 June 2009

Certain types of items have extended functionality, and therefore have additional properties, functions or references to the ones already listed on the Items page. The following sections describe what these are.


Multis have a TYPE t_multi, t_multi_custom or t_ship. These are multi-piece items that are usually stored in the client's multi.mul file, but are only considered to be one item to both the server and client (so when you approach a castle, there is a significant reduction in lag since the server doesn't have to tell the client to display thousands of wall pieces).

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all multi properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
COMP R Gets the number of components defined in the ITEMDEF.
COMP.n.key' R Gets the KEY (ID,DX,DY,DZ,D) of the nth component defined in the ITEMDEF.
MULTICREATE owner_uid W When a multi is created via SERV.NEWITEM, this function must be used to initialise the multi-region.

Customizable Multis

Customizable multis are represented by the TYPE of t_multi_custom. These are designed to be used with the AOS House Designer tool that is present since the 4.0.0 series of UO clients.


References return pointers to other objects (e.g. the REGION reference allows you to access the REGION that an object is in). These can either be accessed by using <REFNAME> to return the UID (1 for object types that don't have UIDs) of the object or 0 if it doesn't exist, or by using <REFNAME.KEY> where KEY is a valid property/function/reference for the REFNAME object. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
DESIGNER R Gets the character currently modifying the house design.

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all custom multi properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
ADDITEM item_id, dx, dy, dz W Adds an item to the house design.
ADDMULTI multi_id, dx, dy, dz W Adds a multi to the house design.
CLEAR W Removes all items from the house design.
COMMIT W Commits all changes that have been made to the house design, updating the state of the building.
COMPONENTS R Gets the number of components in the house design.
CUSTOMIZE character_uid W Enters the building into edit mode for the specified character (or SRC).
DESIGN.n.KEY R Gets a property (ID,DX,DY,DZ,D,FIXTURE) from the nth component in the house design.
EDITAREA R Gets the designable area rectangle of the multi (left,top,right,bottom)
ENDCUSTOMIZE W Exits the current designer from edit mode.
FIXTURES R Gets the number of fixtures in the house design.
REMOVEITEM item_id, dx, dy, dz W Removes an item from the house design.
RESET W Resets the house design back to the house foundation.
RESYNC character_uid W Resends the current building state to the specified character (or SRC).
REVERT W Undoes all of the changes made to the house design since the last commit.
REVISION R Gets the revision number of the house design.


Ships have the TYPE t_ship, and are another extended version of multis that are designed to be used to sail around the world.


References return pointers to other objects (e.g. the REGION reference allows you to access the REGION that an object is in). These can either be accessed by using <REFNAME> to return the UID (1 for object types that don't have UIDs) of the object or 0 if it doesn't exist, or by using <REFNAME.KEY> where KEY is a valid property/function/reference for the REFNAME object. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
HATCH R Gets the ship's hatch.
TILLER R Gets the ship's tiller.
PLANK.n R Gets the nth ship plank.

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all ship properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
PLANKS R Gets the number of planks on the ship.
SHIPANCHORDROP W Drops the ship's anchor, preventing it from moving.
SHIPANCHORRAISE W Raises the ship's anchor, allowing it to move.
SHIPBACK W Begins moving the ship backwards.
SHIPBACKLEFT W Begins moving the ship backwards and to its left.
SHIPBACKRIGHT W Begins moving the ship backwards and to its right.
SHIPDOWN W Begins moving the ship downards, if ATTR_MAGIC is set.
SHIPDRIFTLEFT W Begins moving the ship to its left.
SHIPDRIFTRIGHT W Begins moving the ship to its right.
SHIPFACE direction W Sets the direction of the ship.
SHIPFORE W Begins moving the ship forwards.
SHIPFORELEFT W Begins moving the ship forwards and to its left.
SHIPFORERIGHT W Begins moving the ship forwards and to its right.
SHIPGATE location W Moves the entire ship and its contents to a specified location.
SHIPLAND W Moves the ship to ground level, if ATTR_MAGIC is set.
SHIPMOVE direction W Begins moving the ship in the specified direction.
SHIPSPEED.TILES R Gets the number of tiles that ths ship moves in one step.
SHIPSPEED.PERIOD R Gets the length of time between each step, in tenths of a second.
SHIPSTOP W Stops the ship.
SHIPTURN W Turns the ship to face the opposite direction.
SHIPTURNLEFT W Rotates the ship to its left.
SHIPTURNRIGHT W Rotates the ship to its right.
SHIPUP W Begins moving the ship upwards, if ATTR_MAGIC is set.


The TYPEs t_map and t_map_blank are used to represent maps. These display a map to the player when used, that can be marked with a series of pins (markers) to plot a route.

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all map properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
PIN x, y
RW Gets the position of the nth pin (zero-based), or adds a pin to the map at the specified location.

Messages / Books

Messages (t_message) and books (t_book) possess a range of properties and functions that are used to store their title, author and body text.

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all message properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
BODY.n RW Gets the nth line of text from the message, or sets the entire message text.
AUTHOR RW Gets or sets the author of the message.
ERASE page_num W Removes all lines of text from the message, or if a page number (one-based) if supplied erases just a single line.
PAGE.n W Sets the text of the nth single line of the message. (zero-based)
PAGES R Gets the number of lines of text in the message.
TITLE RW Gets or sets the title of message.

Communication Crystals

Communication crystals have the TYPE of t_comm_crystal.

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all communication crystal properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
SPEECH -/+speech_defname RW Gets a list of attached SPEECH blocks, or adds to or removes from the attached speech..

Guild/Town Stones

Guild and Town stones are defined by the types t_stone_guild and t_stone_town. Whilst a lot of functionality has been moved into the script pack, there are still some special properties, functions and references that can be used.


References return pointers to other objects (e.g. the REGION reference allows you to access the REGION that an object is in). These can either be accessed by using <REFNAME> to return the UID (1 for object types that don't have UIDs) of the object or 0 if it doesn't exist, or by using <REFNAME.KEY> where KEY is a valid property/function/reference for the REFNAME object. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
GUILD.n Gets the nth linked guild or town. (zero-based)
[[GUILDFROMUID]stone_uid Gets the linked guild or town with a specified UID.
MEMBER.n Gets the nth member of the guild or town. (zero-based)
MEMBERFROMUID.character_uid Gets the member of the guild with a specified UID.

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all guild/town stone properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
ABBREV RW Gets or sets the guild/town abbreviation.
ABBREVIATIONTOGGLE R Returns one of the STONECONFIG_VARIOUSNAME_* defnames depending on whether SRC has their abbreviation showing or not.
ALIGN RW Gets or sets the alignment of the guild/town.
ALIGNTYPE R Returns the name of the guild or town's alignment.
ALLGUILDS flags, command W Performs the given comamnd on all linked guilds or towns based on flags. (0 = All, 1 = War Declared by 'Us' only, 2 = War Declared by 'Them' only, 3 = War Declayed by both)
ALLMEMBERS priv, command W Performs the given command on all guild or town members with the specified privelege level. (-1 = All)
APPLYTOJOIN character_uid W Adds a character as a candidate to the guild or town.
CHANGEALIGN alignment W Changes the guild or town alignment.
DECLAREPEACE stone_uid W Declares peace towards another guild or town.
DECLAREWAR stone_uid W Declares war towards another guild or town.
ELECTMASTER W Selects a new guild or town master based on which member has the most votes.
GUILD.COUNT R Gets the number linked guilds or towns.
INVITEWAR stone_uid, who_declared W Invites another guild or town to go to war (who_declared, 0 = They declared, 1 = We declared)
JOINASMEMBER character_uid W Adds a character as a full member of the guild or town.
LOYALTO R Returns the name of the guild or town member that SRC has declared fealty to.
MASTER R Returns the name of the guild or town master.
MASTERGENDERTITLE R Returns the gender of the guild or town mastser.
MASTERTITLE R Returns the title of the guild or town master.
MASTERUID RW Gets the UID of the guild/town master, or sets it to the UID of a new master.
MEMBER.COUNT priv R Gets the number of members in the guild/town with at least the given privileges (or all if not supplied).
RESIGN character_uid W Removes a character from the guild or town.
TOGGLEABBREVIATION character_uid W Toggles the display of guild/town abbreviation for a member or SRC.
WEBPAGE RW Gets or sets the guild or town's webpage.
CHARTER.n EW Gets or sets the nth line of the guild/town charter. (zero-based)

Guild/Town Members

When accessing a member of a guild or town via the MEMBER.x,r MEMBERFROMUID.uid, GUILD.x, or GUILDFROMUID.uid references, you access a special "Guild/Town Member" object which has specific properties, references and functions available. If you attempt to access something that doesn't exist in any of the following tables then the command is 'redirected' to the actual character or item the member object is linked to (so something like <MEMBER.x.STR> would work because the STR property exists on the character).

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all guild/town member properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Character Members

Name Read/Write Description
ACCOUNTGOLD RW Gets or sets the amount of gold the member has in their guild/town account.
ISCANDIDATE R Returns 1 if the member is a candidate of the guild/town.
ISMASTER R Returns 1 if the member is a guild/town master.
LOYALTO RW Gets or sets the UID of who the member has declared fealty towards.
PRIV RW Gets or sets the member's privilege level within the guild/town.
PRIVNAME R Returns the name of the member's privilege level within the guild/town.
TITLE RW Gets or sets the member's title within the guild/town.
SHOWABBREV RW Gets or sets whether or not the member's abbreviation is shown.

Item Members

Name Read/Write Description
ISENEMY R Returns 1 if the other guild/town is considered an enemy.
THEYALLIANCE RW Gets or sets whether or not the other guild/town has declared an alliance with the guild/town.
THEYWAR RW Gets or sets whether or not the other guild/town has declared war.
WEALLIANCE RW Gets or sets whether or not the guild/town has declared an alliance with the other guild/town.
WEWAR RW Gets or sets whether or not the guild/town has declared war with the other guild/town.

Vendable Items

When an item has value, either explicitly in the ITEMDEF's VALUE property or implicity in the ITEMDEF's RESOURCES property, it is considered a "Vendable Item" that can be sold on vendors.

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all vendable item properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
PRICE RW Gets or sets the price of the item.
QUALITY RW Gets or sets the quality of the item.