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This trigger fires when a multi is about to redeed. Valid for t_multi, t_ship, t_multi_custom and t_addon.

Fires on:


The following object references are explicitly available for this trigger:

Name Description
ARGO The deed
I The multi
SRC Player doing the redeed (If Any). When the multi is being removed there is no SRC (also when an Addon is being redeeded from internal functions).


The following arguments are set for this trigger. If an argument is marked as "In" then a value will be passed in to the trigger, if an argument is marked as "Out" then it can be set to a value to affect Sphere's behaviour:

Argument In/Out Description
ARGN1 I ID of the deed (Default=i_deed)
ARGN2 I (Default = 1). If set to 1 all items will be moved to the Moving Crate (and Addons redeeded).
ARGN3 I If set to 1 the Moving Crate will be transfered to Owner's Bank (if there is any).

Note: the crate is moved to the OWNER's bank, not SRC. If argn2 = 0 then argn3 will be not used regardless of the value it has.

Return Values

The following return values are explicitly defined for this trigger:

Return Value Description
1 Prevents the deed from being created, but will not block the code from argn2 and argn3