Bitwise Operations

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Bitwise operations are used to perform an action on the bits (the 1's and 0's) of a number.

In this article a "binary" formatted number (which represents the "bits" of a number) will be written with a 2... and a decimal number with a 10


In Sphere, numbers are stored in something called a "DWORD". The largest number a DWORD can store is constrained by the fact that a DWORD is 32 bits wide. That means the largest number it can store is 2^32-1.

  • In Binary that's 11111111111111111111111111111111.
  • In Hex it's FFFFFFFF.
  • In Decimal that's 4294967295.

To store a 'signed' number in a DWORD (in other words, a number that can be positive or negative), the first bit is used to indicate the sign (a 1 is negative). Which means the largest 'signed' positive number is 2^31-1

  • In Binary that's 01111111111111111111111111111111.
  • In Hex it's 7FFFFFFF.
  • In Decimal that's 2147483647.

In sphere script language, the EVAL function outputs a signed DWORD, and the UVAL outputs an unsigned DWORD.

[FUNCTION Mathtest]
SERV.LOG eval0=<EVAL <LOCAL.Number0>> eval1=<EVAL <LOCAL.Number1>> eval2=<EVAL <LOCAL.Number2>>
SERV.LOG uval0=<UVAL <LOCAL.Number0>> uval1=<UVAL <LOCAL.Number1>> uval2=<UVAL <LOCAL.Number2>>

The output of this test is:

13:37:(test.scp,10)eval0=2147483647 eval1=-1 eval2=-4
13:37:(test.scp,11)uval0=2147483647 uval1=4294967295 uval2=4294967292


  • The output is limited to align with the limitation of the DWORD itself.
  • Since there are 32 "bits" in a DWORD, there can only be 32 flags in a set.
  • Be careful when manipulating flags using EVAL, because the 32nd flag could get lost.


In the Sphere server, quite a few concepts are implemented using "flags". You can see examples of flags being defined in the Sphere.ini file, or the sphere_defs.scp files. For example:

[DEFNAME attr_flags]
attr_identified       01
attr_decay            02
attr_newbie           04
attr_move_always      08
attr_move_never      010
attr_magic           020
attr_owned           040
attr_invis           080
attr_cursed         0100
attr_cursed2        0200
attr_blessed        0400
attr_blessed2       0800
attr_forsale       01000
attr_stolen        02000
attr_can_decay     04000
attr_static        08000
attr_exceptional  010000
attr_enchanted    020000
attr_imbued       040000
attr_questitem    080000
attr_insured     0100000
attr_nodrop      0200000
attr_notrade     0400000
attr_lockeddown  0800000
attr_secure     01000000

Notice a pattern? Let's tip it on it's side and chart the first 8 flags:

Flag Name: attr_invis attr_owned attr_magic attr_move_never attr_move_always attr_newbie attr_decay attr_identified
Binary Number: 10000000 01000000 00100000 00010000 00001000 00000100 00000010 00000001
Hex Number: 080 040 020 010 08 04 02 01
Decimal Number: 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

The OR Operator (inclusive OR)

The AND Operator

The XOR Operator (exclusive OR)

The NOT Operator

Left and right shift