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This trigger fires when someone is being added to my attacker list.

Fires on:


The following object references are explicitly available for this trigger:

Name Description
I Myself, someone is being entering in combat with me (or I am entering in combat with
SRC The character entering in my list.


The following arguments are set for this trigger. If an argument is marked as "In" then a value will be passed in to the trigger, if an argument is marked as "Out" then it can be set to a value to affect Sphere's behaviour:

Name Description
ARGN1 Threat set to this SRC, if enabled on ini and I'm not a player.
ARGN2 Sets wether to add SRC as ignored or not.

Return Values

The following return values are explicitly defined for this trigger:

Return Value Description
1 Prevents src of being added to my list, however I will try to add him each time I can.