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Revision as of 20:21, 25 June 2009 by MrSugarCube (talk | contribs) (CONTP is not a reference to another object but an item property (see Properties and Functions section))
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Generally speaking, there are two types of "things" in the game; characters and items. Compared to characters, items are very complex. Items have a number of different uses, for example a sword is an item that players can see and equip to increase the damage they can do in combat. Some items in the game can not be seen by the players, but they have as much impact on the player as their sword, for example, a memory item is equipped every time a player is under the effects of a spell. Some special types of item also have additional properties that can be accessed via scripts. The following tables detail the various properties of items in SphereServer:


References return pointers to other objects (e.g. the REGION reference allows you to access the REGION that an object is in). These can either be accessed by using <REFNAME> to return the UID (1 for object types that don't have UIDs) of the object or 0 if it doesn't exist, or by using <REFNAME.KEY> where KEY is a valid property/function/reference for the REFNAME object. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples.

Name Read/Write Description
CONT RW Gets or sets the character or container item that the object is inside.
LINK RW Gets or sets the character or item that the item is linked to.
REGION R Gets the region that the object is in.
ROOM R Gets the room that the object is in.
P RW Gets or sets the position that the object is at.
SECTOR R Gets the sector that the object is in.
TOPOBJ R Gets the top-most character or item in the world that contains the item.
TYPEDEF R Gets the ITEMDEF that defines the item.

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all item properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples. If an attempt is made to access a property that does not exist on the item, the property from the ITEMDEF will be accessed instead.

Name Read/Write Description
ADDCIRCLE spell_circle W Adds all of the spells in the given circle to the spellbook.
ADDSPELL spell_id RW Gets whether or not a spell exists in the spellbook, or adds a spell to the spellbook.
AMOUNT RW Gets the amount of this items this item represent (e.g. a pile of gold).
ATTR RW Gets or sets the item's attribute flags.
BOUNCE W Moves the item to SRC's backpack.
CANSEE R Returns 1 if SRC can see the item.
CANSEELOS R Returns 1 if SRC has line of sight to the item.
CANSEELOSFLAG flags R Returns 1 if SRC has line of sight to the item, with flags to modify what tests take place.
CLEARTAGS prefix W Removes all TAGs from the item that start with the given prefix.
COLOR RW Gets or sets the object's hue.
CONSUME amount W Deducts an amount from the item, deleting it at 0.
CONTCONSUME resource_list W Deletes items from inside the container.
CONTGRID RW If in a container, gets or sets the grid number that the item occupies (in KR's grid view)
CONTP RW Gets or sets the position of the item within its container.
DAMAGE amount, type, source W Inflicts damage upon the item.
DCLICK W Double clicks the item, with SRC as the source of the event.
DECAY time W Sets the decay timer for the item.
DIALOG dialog_id, page, parameters W Displays a dialog to SRC.
DISPID RW Gets or sets the ID that the item will appear as to players.
DISPIDDEC RW Same as DISPID, except it returns the ID as a decimal number.
DISTANCE point_or_uid R Gets the distance between this object and either SRC, a map location or another object.
DMGCOLD RW Gets or sets the amount of cold damage the weapon will give.
DMGENERGY RW Gets or sets the amount of energy damage the weapon will give.
DMGFIRE RW Gets or sets the amount of fire damage the weapon will give.
DMGPOISON RW Gets or sets the amount of poison damage the weapon will give.
DROP W Drops the item to the ground.
DUPE W Clones the item.
EDIT W Displays an editing dialog for the item to SRC.
EFFECT type, item_id, speed, loop, explode, colour, rendermode W Displays an effect to nearby clients.
EMOTE message W Displays a *You see* message to all nearby clients.
EQUIP W Equips the item to SRC.
EVENTS event_defname RW Gets a list of events attached to the object, or adds or removes an event to or from the object.
FIX W Re-aligns the item's Z level to ground level.
FLIP W Rotates the item.
FRUIT RW Gets or sets the fruit that will be produced by the crops.
HEIGHT R Gets the height of the item.
HITS RW Gets or sets the number of hitpoints the item has.
HITPOINTS RW Gets or sets the number of hitpoints the item has.
ID RW Gets or sets the ID of the item.
INFO W Displays an information dialog about the item to SRC.
ISARMOR object_uid R Returns 1 if the object is armour.
ISCHAR R Returns 1 if the object is a character.
ISCONT R Returns 1 if the object is a container.
ISEVENT.event_defname R Returns 1 if the object has an event attached to it.
ISITEM R Returns 1 if the object is an item.
ISNEARTYPE type, distance, flags R Returns 1 if a nearby item has the given TYPE.
ISNEARTYPETOP type, distance, flags R Returns a nearby world location of a nearby item which has the given TYPE.
ISPLAYER R Returns 1 if the object is a player.
ISTEVENT.event_defname R Returns 1 if the object has an event attached to its ITEMDEF.
ISWEAPON object_uid R Returns 1 if the object is a weapon.
LAYER RW Gets or sets the layer that the item occupies when equipped.
MAP RW Gets or sets the map that this object is located.
MAXHITS RW Gets or sets the maximum number of hitpoints the item can have.
MENU menu_defname W Displays a menu to SRC.
MESSAGE message W Displays a message above this item to SRC.
MESSAGEUA colour, talkmode, font, lang_id, message W Displays a UNICODE message above this item to SRC.
MODAR RW Gets or sets a modifier for the item's armour rating.
MORE1 RW Gets or sets the MORE1 value for the item.
MORE1H RW Gets or sets the upper 4 bytes of the item's MORE1 value.
MORE1L RW Gets or sets the lower 4 bytes of the item's MORE1 value.
MORE2 RW Gets or sets the MORE2 value for the item.
MORE2H RW Gets or sets the upper 4 bytes of the item's MORE2 value.
MORE2L RW Gets or sets the lower 4 bytes of the item's MORE2 value.
MOREM RW Gets or sets the MOREM value for the item.
MOREX RW Gets or sets the MOREX value for the item.
MOREY RW Gets or sets the MOREY value for the item.
MOREZ RW Gets or sets the MOREZ value for the item.
MOREP RW Gets or sets the MOREP value for the item.
MOVE direction, amount
MOVE x y
W Moves the object relative to its current position.
MOVENEAR object_uid, distance W Moves the object to a random location near another object within a certain distance.
MOVETO location W Moves the object to a specific location.
NAME RW Gets or sets the object's name.
NUDGEDOWN amount W Decreases the object's Z level.
NUDGEUP amount W Increases the object's Z level.
PROMPTCONSOLE function, prompt_message W Displays a prompt message to SRC and passes their response into a specified function.
PROMPTCONSOLEU function, prompt_message W Displays a prompt message to SRC and passes their response into a specified function, supporting UNICODE response.
REMOVE W Deletes the object.
REMOVEFROMVIEW W Removes the object from nearby clients' screens.
RESENDTOOLTIP W Forces Sphere to update the tooltips for nearby clients.
SAY message W Makes the object speak a message.
SAYU message W Makes the object speak a UTF-8 message
SAYUA colour, talkmode, font, lang_id, text W MAkes the object speak a UNICODE message.
SDIALOG dialog_id, page, parameters W Displays a dialog to SRC, providing that it is not already open.
SERIAL R Gets the item's unique ID in the world.
SEXTANTP location R Converts the item's location or a specified location into sextant coordinates.
SOUND sound_id, repeat W Plays a sound from this object.
SPELLEFFECT spell_id, strength, source_character_uid, source_item_uid W Causes the item to be affected by a spell. RW Gets or sets the value of a TAG.
TAGAT.index R Gets a TAG at the given zero-based index.
TAGAT.index.KEY R Gets the name of the TAG at the given zero-based index.
TAGAT.index.VAL R Gets the value of the TAG at the given zero-based index.
TAGCOUNT R Gets the number of TAGs stored on the item.
TAGLIST W Outputs a list of the object's TAGs.
TARGETFGMW function W Displays a targeting cursor to SRC.
TIMER RW Gets or sets the length of time before the item's timer expires, in seconds.
TIMERD RW Gets or sets the length of time before the item's timer expires, in tenths of a second.
TIMERF time, function W Scheduled a function to be executed on this object in time seconds.
TIMERF CLEAR W Clears all scheduled functions from the object.
TRIGGER trig_name, trig_type R Fires a custom trigger and returns the RETURN value.
TYPE RW Gets or sets the item type.
UID R Gets the item's unique ID in the world.
UNEQUIP W Unequips the item and places it in SRC's backpack.
UPDATE W Updates the state of the item to nearby clients.
UPDATEX W Updates the state of the item to nearby clients, removing it from their view first to ensure a full refresh.
USE check_los W Uses the item, as if SRC had double clicked it.
USEITEM W Double clicks the item, with SRC as the source of the event, without checking for line of sight.
WEIGHT R Gets the weight of the item.
Z R Gets the Z position of the item.


Here is a list of all item triggers. Click on the trigger name for more detailed information such as arguments and examples.

Name Description
@AfterClick Fires when the object has been single-clicked, just before the overhead name is shown.
@Buy Fires when the item is being bought from a vendor.
@Click Fires when the object has been single-clicked.
@ClientTooltip Fires when tooltips are about to be sent to a client.
@ContextMenuRequest Fires when a client requests the context menu options for the object.
@ContextMenuSelect Fires when a client selects a context menu option for the object.
@Create Fires when the object is initially created, before it is placed in the world.
@Damage Fires when the item receives damage.
@DClick Fires when the object is double-clicked.
@Destroy Fires when the object is being deleted.
@DropOn_Char Fires when the item has been dropped on to a character.
@DropOn_Ground Fires when the item has been dropped on to the ground.
@DropOn_Item Fires when the item is dropped on to another item.
@DropOn_Self Fires when an item has been dropped on to this item.
@Equip Fires when the item has been equipped.
@EquipTest Fires when the item is about to be equipped.
@PickUp_Ground Fires when the item ihas been picked up from the ground.
@PickUp_Pack Fires when the item is picked up from inside a container.
@PickUp_Self Fires when an item has been picked up from inside the item.
@PickUp_Stack Fires when the item is picked up from a stack.
@Sell Fires when the item is sold to a vendor.
@SpellEffect Fires when the object is hit by the effects of a spell.
@Step Fires when a character steps on the item.
@TargOn_Cancel Fires when a target is cancelled from the item.
@TargOn_Char Fires when a character is targeted from the item.
@TargOn_Ground Fires when the ground is targeted from the item.
@TargOn_Item Fires when an item is targeted from this item.
@Timer Fires when the item's timer expires.
@ToolTip Fires when old-style tooltips are requested for the item.
@UnEquip Fires when the item is unequipped.