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Within |regions you can also define rooms, which are basically 'sub-regions' that exist inside the area which may represent buildings within a town or a boss room within a dungeon. Accessing rooms in scripts can be accomplished using the ROOM reference from a character, item or map point object, or the ROOM.room_id reference from the |server object. The following table details the various properties of the room object in SphereServer:

Properties and Functions

Here is a list of all room properties and functions. If a function is marked as readable then it can return a value when used as <KEY>. Click on the name for more detailed information such as usage and examples. If an attempt is made to execute (not read) a command that does not exist on the room, then the command will be called on all sectors that touch the room area.

Name Read/Write Description
ALLCLIENTS command W Executes command on all clients inside the room boundaries.
ANNOUNCE RW Gets or sets whether or not there will be an announcement when someone enters or exits the room.
ARENA RW Gets or sets whether or not the room is considered to be an arena.
BUILDABLE RW Gets or sets whether or not players can place buildings in the room.
CLIENTS R Gets the total number of clients that are inside the sectors that touch the room.
FLAGS RW Gets or sets the room's attributes.
GATE RW Gets or sets whether or not casting the gate travel spell is allowed in the room.
GROUP RW Gets or sets a group name for the room.
GUARDED Gets or sets whether or not guards can be called within the room.
MAGIC RW Gets or sets whether or not there is an anti-magic field in the room.
MAP R Gets the map that the room exists on.
MARK RW Gets or sets whether or not casting the mark spell is allowed in the room.
NAME RW Gets or sets the name of the room.
NOBUILD RW Gets or sets whether or not players can place buildings in the room.
NODECAY RW Gets or sets whether or not items will decay in the room.
NOPVP RW Gets or sets whether or not PvP combat is allowed in the room.
P RW Gets or sets the location of the room (used when using the GO command).
RECALL RW Gets or sets whether or not casting the recall spell is allowed in the room.
RECALLIN RW Gets or sets whether or not it is possible to use the recall spell to enter the room.
RECALLOUT RW Gets or sets whether players can recall out of the room.
RECT R Gets the number of rectangles that this room is made from.
RECT.n R Gets the nth rectangle that this room is made from.
SAFE RW Gets or sets whether or not the room is a safe zone.
UID R Gets the room's unique ID in the world.
UNDERGROUND RW Gets or sets whether or not the room is considered to be underground.