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Revision as of 09:43, 7 May 2015
Here is a list of all character triggers. Click on the trigger name for more detailed information such as arguments and examples.
Name | Description |
@AfterClick | Fires when the object has been single-clicked, just before the overhead name is shown. |
@Attack | Fires when the character begins attacking another. |
@CallGuards | Fires when the character calls for guards. |
@CharAttack | Fires when the character is attacked by another character. |
@CharClick | Fires when the character is clicked by another character. |
@CharClientTooltip | Fires when the tooltips are about to be sent to the character. |
@CharDClick | Fires when the character double clicks another character. |
@CharTradeAccepted | Fires when another character accepts trade with the character. |
@Click | Fires when the object has been single-clicked. |
@ClientTooltip | Fires when tooltips for this character are about to be sent to a client. |
@ContextMenuRequest | Fires when a client requests the context menu options for the object. |
@ContextMenuSelect | Fires when a client selects a context menu option for the object. |
@Create | Fires when the object is initially created, before it is placed in the world. |
@Criminal | Fires when the character becomes a criminal. |
@DClick | Fires when the object is double-clicked. |
@Death | Fires when the character's hitpoints reaches zero. |
@DeathCorpse | Fires when a corpse is created for the character. |
@Destroy | Fires when the object is being deleted. |
@Dismount | Fires when the character dismounts their ride. |
@EnvironChange | Fires when the environment changes for the character. |
@ExpChange | Fires when the character's experience points change. |
@ExpLevelChange | Fires when the character's experience level changes. |
@FameChange | Fires when the character's fame changes. |
@GetHit | Fires when the character receives damage. |
@Hit | Fires when the character hits another in combat. |
@HitMiss | Fires when the character fails to hit another in combat. |
@HouseDesignCommit | Fires when the character commits a new house design. |
@HouseDesignExit | Fires when the character exits house design mode. |
@Hunger | Fires when the character's food level decreases. |
@ItemAfterClick | Fires when the character single-clicks an item, just before the overhead name is shown. |
@ItemBuy | Fires when the character buys an item from a vendor. |
@ItemClick | Fires when the character single-clicks an item. |
@ItemClientTooltip | Fires when the tooltips are about to be sent to the client for an item. |
@ItemContextMenuRequest | Fires when the character requests the context menu options for an item. |
@ItemContextMenuSelect | Fires when the character selects a context menu option for an item. |
@ItemCreate | Fires when an item is initially created, before it is placed in the world, and the character is in some way responsible for it. |
@ItemDamage | Fires when the character damages an item. |
@ItemDClick | Fires when the character double-clicks an item. |
@ItemDropOn_Char | Fires when the character drops an item on to a character. |
@ItemDropOn_Ground | Fires when the character drops an item on to the ground. |
@ItemDropOn_Item | Fires when the character drops an item on to another item. |
@ItemDropOn_Self | Fires when the character drops an item inside another item. |
@ItemEquip | Fires when the character equips an item. |
@ItemEquipTest | Fires when the characer is about to equip an item. |
@ItemPickUp_Ground | Fires when the character picks an item up from the ground. |
@ItemPickUp_Pack | Fires when the character picks an item up from inside a container. |
@ItemPickUp_Self | Fires when the character picks an item up from inside another item. |
@ItemPickUp_Stack | Fires when the character picks up an item from a stack. |
@ItemSell | Fires when the character sells an item to a vendor. |
@ItemSpellEffect | Fires when the character hits an item with a spell. |
@ItemStep | Fires when the character steps on an item. |
@ItemTargOn_Cancel | Fires when the character cancels an item's target cursor. |
@ItemTargOn_Char | Fires when the character targets a character with an item's target cursor. |
@ItemTargOn_Ground | Fires when the character targets the ground with an item's target cursor. |
@ItemTargOn_Item | Fires when the character targets an item with an item's target cursor. |
@ItemToolTip | Fires when the character requests old-style tooltips for an item. |
@ItemUnEquip | Fires when the character unequips an item. |
@Jailed | Fires when the character is sent to jail. |
@KarmaChange | Fires when the character's karma changes. |
@Kill | Fires when the character kills another character. |
@Login | Fires when the character logs in. |
@Logout | Fires when the character logs out. |
@Mount | Fires when the character mounts a ride. |
@MurderDecay | Fires when one of the character's kills is about to decay. |
@MurderMark | Fires when the character is about to gain a kill. |
@NPCAcceptItem | Fires when the NPC receives an item. |
@NPCActFight | Fires when the NPC makes a combat decision. |
@NPCActFollow | Fires when the NPC follows another character. |
@NPCAction | Fires when the NPC is about to perform an AI action. |
@NPCHearGreeting | Fires when the NPC hears a character for the first time. |
@NPCHearUnknown | Fires when the NPC hears something they don't understand. |
@NPCLookAtChar | Fires then the NPC looks at a character. |
@NPCLookAtItem | Fires when the NPC looks at an item. |
@NPCLostTeleport | Fires when the NPC is lost and is about to be teleported back to their HOME. |
@NPCRefuseItem | Fires when the NPC refuses an item being given to them. |
@NPCRestock | Fires when the NPC is having their items restocked. |
@NPCSeeNewPlayer | Fires when the NPC first sees a player. |
@NPCSeeWantItem | Fires when the NPC sees an item they want. |
@NPCSpecialAction | Fires when the NPC is about to perform a special action (leaving fire trail, dropping web). |
@PersonalSpace | Fires when the character is stepped on. |
@PetDesert | Fires when the character deserts its owner. |
@Profile | Fires when a player attempts to read the character's profile from the paperdoll. |
@ReceiveItem | Fires when the NPC receives an item from another character, before they decide if they want it or not. |
@RegionEnter | Fires when the character enters a region. |
@RegionLeave | Fires when the character leaves a region. |
@Rename | Fires when the character renames another. |
@SeeCrime | Fires when the character sees a crime take place. |
@SkillAbort | Fires when the character aborts a skill. |
@SkillChange | Fires when the character's skill level changes. |
@SkillFail | Fires when the character fails a skill. |
@SkillGain | Fires when the character has a chance to gain in a skill. |
@SkillMakeItem | Fires when the character crafts an item. |
@SkillMenu | Fires when a skill menu is shown to the character. |
@SkillPreStart | Fires when the character starts a skill, before any hardcoded action takes place. |
@SkillSelect | Fires when the character selects a skill on their skill menu. |
@SkillStart | Fires when the character starts a skill. |
@SkillSuccess | Fires when the character succeeds at a skill. |
@SkillUseQuick | Fires when the character quickly uses a skill. |
@SpellBook | Fires when the character opens their spellbook. |
@SpellCast | Fires when the character casts a spell. |
@SpellEffect | Fires when the character is hit by the effects of a spell. |
@SpellFail | Fires when the character fails to cast a spell. |
@SpellSelect | Fires when the character selects a spell to cast. |
@SpellSuccess | Fires when the character successfully casts a spell. |
@StatChange | Fires when the character's STR, DEX or INT is changed through skill gain. |
@StepStealth | Fires when the character takes a step whilst hidden. |
@ToolTip | Fires when a player requests old-style tooltips for this character. |
@TradeAccepted | Fires when the character accepts a trade with another player. |
@UserBugReport | Fires when the player submits a bug report. |
@UserChatButton | Fires when the player presses the Chat button on the paperdoll. |
@UserExtCmd | Fires when the player sends an extended command packet. (used by some macros) |
@UserExWalkLimit | Fires when the player's movement is restricted by the movement speed settings in Sphere.ini |
@UserGuildButton | Fires when the player presses the Guild button on the paperdoll. |
@UserKRToolbar | Fires when the player presses a button on the toolbar. |
@UserMailBag | Fires when the player drags the mail bag on to another character. |
@UserQuestArrowClick | Fires when the player clicks the quest arrow. |
@UserQuestButton | Fires when the player presses the Quest button on the paperdoll. |
@UserSkills | Fires when the player opens their skill menu, or a skill update is sent to the player. |
@UserSpecialMove | Fires when the player uses a special move. |
@UserStats | Fires when the player opens the status window. |
@UserVirtue | Fires when the player presses on the Virtue button. |
@UserVirtueInvoke | Fires when the player invokes a virtue through macros. |
@UserWarmode | Fires when the player switches between war and peace mode. |
Here is a list of all item triggers. Click on the trigger name for more detailed information such as arguments and examples.
Name | Description |
@AfterClick | Fires when the object has been single-clicked, just before the overhead name is shown. |
@Buy | Fires when the item is being bought from a vendor. |
@Click | Fires when the object has been single-clicked. |
@ClientTooltip | Fires when tooltips are about to be sent to a client. |
@ContextMenuRequest | Fires when a client requests the context menu options for the object. |
@ContextMenuSelect | Fires when a client selects a context menu option for the object. |
@Create | Fires when the object is initially created, before it is placed in the world. |
@Damage | Fires when the item receives damage. |
@DClick | Fires when the object is double-clicked. |
@Destroy | Fires when the object is being deleted. |
@DropOn_Char | Fires when the item has been dropped on to a character. |
@DropOn_Ground | Fires when the item has been dropped on to the ground. |
@DropOn_Item | Fires when the item is dropped on to another item. |
@DropOn_Self | Fires when an item has been dropped on to this item. |
@Equip | Fires when the item has been equipped. |
@EquipTest | Fires when the item is about to be equipped. |
@PickUp_Ground | Fires when the item ihas been picked up from the ground. |
@PickUp_Pack | Fires when the item is picked up from inside a container. |
@PickUp_Self | Fires when an item has been picked up from inside the item. |
@PickUp_Stack | Fires when the item is picked up from a stack. |
@Sell | Fires when the item is sold to a vendor. |
@SpellEffect | Fires when the object is hit by the effects of a spell. |
@Step | Fires when a character steps on the item. |
@TargOn_Cancel | Fires when a target is cancelled from the item. |
@TargOn_Char | Fires when a character is targeted from the item. |
@TargOn_Ground | Fires when the ground is targeted from the item. |
@TargOn_Item | Fires when an item is targeted from this item. |
@Timer | Fires when the item's timer expires. |
@ToolTip | Fires when old-style tooltips are requested for the item. |
@UnEquip | Fires when the item is unequipped. |
Region Resources
Here is a list of all region resource triggers. Click on the trigger name for more detailed information such as arguments and examples.
Name | Description |
@ResourceTest | Fires when the resource is being considered for spawning. |
@ResourceFound | Fires when the resource is spawned. |
Here is a list of all region triggers. Click on the trigger name for more detailed information such as arguments and examples.
Name | Description |
@CliPeriodic | Fires multiple times approximately every 30 seconds, for each client in the region. |
@Enter | Fires when a character enters the region. |
@Exit | Fires when a character exits the region. |
@RegPeriodic | Fires once approximately every 30 seconds, as long as there is at least one client in the region. |
@Step | Fires whenever a character takes a step within the region. |
The following table lists all of the triggers that can be placed under a skill definition. All of the triggers here have an equivalent @Skill trigger on the character object.
Name | Description |
@Abort | Fires when a character aborts an attempt at using the skill. |
@Fail | Fires when a character fails an attempt at using the skill. |
@Gain | Fires when a character is given the chance to gain in the skill. |
@PreStart | Fires when a character starts to use the skill, before any hardcoded behaviour takes place. |
@Select | Fires when a character selects the skill from their skill menu. |
@Start | Fires when a character starts to use the skill. |
@Success | Fires when a character succeeds an attempt at using the skill. |
@UseQuick | Fires when a character quickly uses the skill, without changing their ACTION. |
The following table lists all of the triggers that can be placed under a spell definition. All of the triggers here have an equivalent @Spell trigger on the character object.
Name | Description |
@Effect | Fires when a character or item is hit by the spell. |
@Fail | Fires when a character fails to cast the spell. |
@Select | Fires when a character selects to cast the spell, or when Sphere checks if a character is capable of casting it. |
@Start | Fires when a character starts to cast the spell. |
@Success | Fires when a character successfully casts the spell. |
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
Pages in category "Triggers"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 201 total.
(previous page) (next page)@
- @Abort
- @AfterClick
- @Attack
- @Buy
- @CallGuards
- @CharAttack
- @CharClick
- @CharClientTooltip
- @CharDClick
- @CharTradeAccepted
- @Click
- @ClientTooltip
- @CliPeriodic
- @CombatAdd
- @CombatDelete
- @CombatEnd
- @CombatStart
- @ContextMenuRequest
- @ContextMenuSelect
- @Create
- @Criminal
- @Damage
- @DClick
- @Death
- @DeathCorpse
- @Destroy
- @Dismount
- @DropOn Char
- @DropOn Ground
- @DropOn Item
- @DropOn Self
- @DropOn Trade
- @Dye
- @Eat
- @Effect
- @EffectAdd
- @EffectRemove
- @EffectTick
- @Enter
- @EnvironChange
- @Equip
- @EquipTest
- @Exit
- @ExpChange
- @ExpLevelChange
- @Fail
- @Fail (Spell Trigger)
- @FameChange
- @Gain
- @GetHit
- @Hit
- @HitMiss
- @HitParry
- @HitTry
- @HouseDesignCommit
- @HouseDesignExit
- @ItemAfterClick
- @ItemBuy
- @ItemClick
- @ItemClientTooltip
- @ItemContextMenuRequest
- @ItemContextMenuSelect
- @ItemCreate
- @ItemDamage
- @ItemDClick
- @ItemDropOn Char
- @ItemDropOn Ground
- @ItemDropOn Item
- @ItemDropOn Self
- @ItemEquip
- @ItemEquipTest
- @ItemPickUp Ground
- @ItemPickUp Pack
- @ItemPickUp Self
- @ItemPickUp Stack
- @ItemSell
- @ItemSmelt
- @ItemSpellEffect
- @ItemStep
- @ItemTargOn Cancel
- @ItemTargOn Char
- @ItemTargOn Ground
- @ItemTargOn Item
- @ItemToolTip
- @ItemUnEquip
- @Jailed
- @KarmaChange
- @Kill
- @Login
- @Logout
- @Mount
- @MurderDecay
- @MurderMark
- @NotoSend
- @NPCAcceptItem
- @NpcActCast
- @NPCActFight
- @NPCActFollow
- @NPCAction
- @NPCActWander
- @NPCHearGreeting
- @NPCHearUnknown
- @NPCLookAtChar
- @NPCLookAtItem
- @NPCLostTeleport
- @NPCRefuseItem
- @NPCRestock
- @NPCSeeNewPlayer
- @NPCSeeWantItem
- @NPCSpecialAction
- @PartyDisband
- @PartyInvite
- @PartyLeave
- @PartyRemove
- @PayGold
- @PersonalSpace
- @PetDesert
- @PickUp Ground
- @PickUp Pack
- @PickUp Self
- @PickUp Stack
- @PreStart
- @Profile
- @ReceiveItem
- @Redeed
- @RegenStat
- @RegionEnter
- @RegionLeave
- @RegionResourceFound
- @RegPeriodic
- @Rename
- @ResourceFound
- @ResourceGather
- @ResourceTest
- @Resurrect
- @SeeCrime
- @SeeHidden
- @SeeSnoop
- @Select
- @Select (Spell Trigger)
- @Sell
- @SkillAbort
- @SkillChange
- @SkillFail
- @SkillGain
- @SkillMakeItem
- @SkillMenu
- @SkillPreStart
- @SkillSelect
- @SkillStart
- @SkillSuccess
- @SkillUseQuick
- @SkillWait
- @Smelt
- @SpellBook
- @SpellCast
- @SpellEffect
- @SpellEffectAdd
- @SpellEffectRemove
- @SpellEffectTick
- @SpellFail
- @SpellSelect
- @SpellSuccess
- @SpellTargetCancel
- @Start
- @Start (Spell Trigger)
- @StatChange
- @Step
- @StepStealth
- @Success
- @Success (Spell Trigger)
- @TargOn Cancel
- @TargOn Char
- @TargOn Ground
- @TargOn Item
- @Timer
- @ToggleFlying
- @ToolTip
- @TradeAccepted
- @TradeClose
- @TradeCreate
- @UnEquip
- @UseQuick
- @UserBugReport
- @UserChatButton
- @UserExtCmd
- @UserExWalkLimit
- @UserGuildButton
- @UserKRToolbar
- @UserMailBag
- @UserQuestArrowClick
- @UserQuestButton
- @UserSkills
- @UserSpecialMove
- @UserStats
- @UserVirtue
- @UserVirtueInvoke
- @UserWarmode
- @Wait